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CONNECT Interview: Round table with the CAREN Cooperation Center

September 7th, 2020|Comments Off on CONNECT Interview: Round table with the CAREN Cooperation Center

In the final chapter of our CAREN3 series, we interview the new regional coordinator and director of the CAREN Cooperation Center (CAREN CC) Almaz Bakenov, his deputy director Arianna Akmatova and the former director Askar [...]

CONNECT Interview: Robert Janz

September 7th, 2020|Comments Off on CONNECT Interview: Robert Janz

Our series of interviews on the CAREN3 Project continues with Robert Janz, formerly from the University of Groningen, now freelance ICT consultant. Involved since the early days of the project, he told CONNECT about his [...]

CONNECT Interview: Veronika Di Luna

September 7th, 2020|Comments Off on CONNECT Interview: Veronika Di Luna

Veronika Di Luna was GÉANT’s project manager for the CAREN3 Project, the last of a series of successful initiatives bringing high-speed connectivity and enhancing scientific collaboration for the R&E communities in Central Asia. CONNECT interviewed [...]

«Вызов Открытым Инновациям – Inno4Kg»

September 1st, 2020|Comments Off on «Вызов Открытым Инновациям – Inno4Kg»

В апреле текущего года Программа Развития ООН (ПРООН) в Кыргызстане в партнерстве с Государственным комитетом информационных технологий и связи (ГКИТиС) и Парком Высоких Технологий (ПВТ) объявили конкурс «Вызов Открытым Инновациям - Inno4Kg». Одним из победителей [...]

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Ваше идеальное единое место исследования для изучения цитирований в разных предметных областях по всему миру. Web of Science предоставляет доступ к наиболее надежному интегрированному междисциплинарному инструменту исследования, объединенному с помощью связанных метрик цитирования содержимого из разных источников в одном интерфейсе. И поскольку Web of Science придерживается строгой процедуры оценки, гарантируется получение наиболее влиятельной, значимой и надежной информации, что позволит вам быстрее открыть новую крупную идею.

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Central Asian Journal of Global Health is an annual journal aimed at everybody working in the fields of public health and medicine. Specifically, it aims to focus on the geographic region that is oftentimes not sufficiently highlighted by existing journals, Central Asian countries. In addition to research in Central Asia, the journal will be opened to submissions from other countries. In addition to the highest-quality reviews and perspectives covering the field of health in Central Asia, each issue will include news stories and investigate hottest topics and new research practices in the field of public health.

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 Science Supercourse is a free online accessible educational resource currently encompassing more than 165,000 downloadable PowerPoint lectures covering four main areas of science; Public Health, Computer Engineering, Environment and Agriculture. It represents an extension to “Supercourse” initiative which started out at the University of Pittsburgh by scientist Ronald LaPorte in the 80’s. It is mirrored at the Library of Alexandria, and networks over 56,000 scientists in 174 countries. Being a useful tool for at least one million students from around the globe, Supercourse has been a well-established starting point which triggered the emergence of the new Science Supercourse in 2008 with a wider scope in terms of content and functionalities.

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APCICT Virtual Academy is the online distance learning platform for the Academy. It is part of APCICT’s strategy in diversifying its delivery channels to maximise access to the course materials of the Academy and encourage continuous learning. It encompasses various functions including virtual lectures, learning management tools and certification, and provides online access to all Academy materials including video, audio, and synchronized presentations with text and graphic materials.

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Open Access in Asia and the Pacific started in the form of subject gateways, informal collections of articles on web pages and directories. Subsequently the region witnessed the transition to Open Access journals and full text repositories and digital libraries.  Research departments, institutions & universities and coordinating bodies of higher learning are the major contributors to Open Access though some dedicated OA publishers have also contributed. The region as a whole has seen rapid industrial advance with governments investing significantly in R&D. Such investment has shown a direct bearing on scientific productivity and reporting though not directly or always in Open Access journals. For example,  the Global Innovation index (GII) report, 2014 shows that the Democratic Republic of Korea holds wolrd’s first rank in terms of Gross Expenditures on Research and Innovation (GERD) in 2011; Singapore, China, Malaysia, India and Hong Kong also rank among the top 50. The potential of publishing as shown in citation index for the region can be harnessed into Open Access publishing.

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